If you can find someone (a UK dealer basically) to set them up for a UK voltage then its fine, I dont think they are user-switchable but I could be wrong on that.
Krell amps are mighty fine indeed but need careful pairing with the right speakers
Out of interest, which amps were you looking at and just how big a saving are we talking about (after tax)?
It is possible to a get a US dealer to sell you Krell, however you will have zero support from the UK Dristro.
I very brielfy owned a pair of Krell FBP-750 MCX monobloc power amps which were imports, powering a pair of B&W 802's they were simply stunning. The only issues I had were getting them shipped at 71Kg each and the insurance value at around $65,000 it was somewhat expensive, then you have the import duty tax, VAT etc... I got around this as technically they were a trade show sample being returned, not that they were ever returned
I say dig around find what you want and just go for it.
EDIT: As said above about the voltage conversion, I had mine modified before they were shipped by the dealer, however I believe they now how some policy in place that when sold in the U.S.A. that a volt mod cannot be done until 6 months after purchase.
Yep, you certainly can make great savings and I know a few people who've done it. Not the right place to buy UK kit such as Naim, but if you're after US kit such as Krell it's a good move. Have a scan on the ZG forums for more details.
You will have to consider about the voltage conversion, but I've heard of companies in the US doing the conversion before shipping.
Another option is to go to the US on holiday and bring it back with you. A chap I met recently bought a Bel Canto Evo2 that way for a ridiculously low price.
If you want a good website to checkout, have a look at audiogon. Some awesome bargains on US kit in there.
I have ordered stuff from the US. I was even lucky enough to pick up a Mark Levinson system which was already 240v.
The cheapest way to get something shipped is bax global. They have a higher weight limit and their shiiping costs is more reasonable than fedex or ups.
There are a few items to be wary of importing if you do not want to use a step down transformer.
Also some manufacturers have a chip installed which can detect the frequency of the power supply. So if it sees 50hz instead of 60hz it will not work. Although there are ways to get around this. The most notable two are some of the Krell and Wadia stuff.
There are some great savings to be had if you buy from the US. What is even more of a kicker is that the UK products are cheaper there then here. I got a DCS system a few years back and that saved me a bit of money.
But my latest acquisition is the Burmester 001 which was going cheap.
You best check with customs Spie.
Inland Revenue & Customs website is a minefield.
Customs Tarrif Classification 01702366077
Ask for a commodity code for electrical goods as certan equipment may differ regards the import duty.
Been through this recently myself as im currently in the process of starting a business (wedding/formalhire) and for example clothing has a 12% import duty and then of course 17.5% VAT.
Add on to this insured shipping such as UPS and the price soon can change.
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