Impressive = not and expensive PC

9 Jan 2005
(IMO) People tend to get an uber PC to impress there mates? I don't know if I'm the only one here that thinks this way but I tend to get impressed more by people getting a really low end PC and clocking here and tweaking there and getting to perform almost as well as a machine that costs over twice as much.

I mean spending over £700 on a cpu seems foolish when a CPU that costs less than half 20% of it's price can run better than it when it's overclocked and doing such will impress people more as well as being more rewarding and pocket friendly.

This is pointing out what everyone knows I guess but people will still be stupied and pay insane money for FX and EE chips.
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Humate said:
u spend less and overclock to match something thats more expensive, whilst others (the superior beings on this planet) dont bother with all the hassle, they laugh in your face that they have more money than u, then clock theirs and own u... AVE SOME OF THAT MY SON !!

unfortunately being a lamer, i dont do either... end up buying mid range and get owned by both !

such is life

Would you feel more relaxed oc a 3200 or an FX if the worse thing happens and you kill the chip if you kill an 3200 you'll feel like crap but if you had kill an EE FX chip youed feel mmm .......
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