Impromptu photographs of a couple of girlies ;)

21 Oct 2004
Los Angeles
As i've not posted any work in a while, and this will be my 1000th post :rolleyes: I figured i'd mark the occaision with a few girly shots.

This is Sophie and Elly, they wanted me to take some photos of them because they were bored doing their art coursework a few months back - so who was I to turn them down? ;)



Oh boy i'm a bad man :eek: :D

In all seriousness though, they are nice shots, but the first one is really annoying for 2 reasons, firstly you cut the top of the fitties head off, and secondly the building in the background isnt O-O-F enough and i find it distracting.

2nd shot is great.

3rd shot - the reflections in her eyes are a little distracting, although they do provide some interest...not sure on that one!

How on earth did you get to meet these bored ladies?
Is the eye in the 3rd shot fake? It seems a touch Photoshopped. Good shots though. Nice and sharp with good eye contact.
I like the third shot a lot, one and two are ok.

I was wondering about the eyes as well. She either is wearing contacts and they have weirdly reflected the photographer or they have been ps'd.

She is the spit of Billie Piper eh?
Hey guys,

1st Shot - Agree totally, the building was a pain in the arse, but to be fair - that was just a snapshot of the girlies in an...erm...interesting pose.

2nd Shot - not much to say, it's elly :)

3rd Shot - Yeah I selectively sharpened the eyes to draw attention to them, nothing else though. And I suppose she does look a tad like billy piper :)

They're both in the art class that's next door to my Graphics class and obviously they keep popping it to see me :p
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I like the third shot... is it Billie Piper??? :)

I like the reflection in her eyes... has this been done on Photoshop???
Midlands eh? Address please? :p

They are good mate, I have a few girl mates who want me to take some professional photos of them but they wont be suitable for this forum I'm afriad :D Any tips at all for me?
lukechad said:
Midlands eh? Address please? :p

They are good mate, I have a few girl mates who want me to take some professional photos of them but they wont be suitable for this forum I'm afriad :D Any tips at all for me?

My one and only tip to you luke, proving you were not jesting about the type of shots is dont. It will cause you untold trouble - this i guarentee.
To convert to B&W I simply desaturated the image in the hue/saturation menu, then played with the curves and levels until I was happy - a small amount of dodging and burning and I was away :)
one does look a lot like bille piper it's true!!!
excellent DOF on the first to include the depth of cleavage :)
good portraits though, from a non pervy bloke point of view
the last one is almost a self portrait from that reflection!
could be distracting
hehe, thanks :p

I excentuated the eyes on purpose - I wanted to make them striking and be the main focal point of the shot - which I seem to have achieved!
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