improving fitness

10 Aug 2003
I am wanting to improve fitness and in a way speed too to help me improve my game when I play hockey. I usually have a match or 2 every saturday. I am thinking of taking my running in the evenings to improve my fitness level. How often do you guys think is best, how many days should i go for a run.. to quickly improve my fitness so i can progress up the teams in my hockey club. My hockey skills are ok, it my fitness that is letting in down a bit.
Thanks in advance guys :)
Thanks mate much appreciated :)
I play for wapping mens 8, but have played for 7s mens.. thats when I have 2 matches on a saturday.
I am new to the club too, i have played 5 games for wapping
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I can't attend the training sessions due to work commitments currently unfortunately. Hence why I am looking to do running on my own. Hopefully soon the work commitments will change then I will attend the training sessions. But I even then I would like to continue the running time permitting.
I am reasonably fit.. it depends how fast you wanted me to run the 3 miles in. I have been a lot fitter in the past. I did once do 2 marathons on the past. But the answer to your question is yes i could.
Well I usually play left wing or left midfield.
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