Improving source quality from Asus Essence STX II / ST cards.

19 Jun 2009
This is a quick post of how I've improved the source quality of Asus Essence STX II and also Asus Essence ST cards. The Asus Essence cards were always very good, however I've taken the cards another 2 whole levels up. The source quality reminds me of recording studios I've been in, the audio source is extremely clean and low noise.

The cards are not modified, so what did I do.

First I'm running a good PSU, these are Seasonic Primes so clean power into the cards. Then I'm running a Tacima mains filter + Russ Andrews 8TC HighCurrent Powerkord, then Van Damme Lo-Cap 55 interconnects. The Russ Andrews 8TC Powerkord was the last thing done, and that pushed source quality up again.

Final thing that helps is a full metal case, no plastic windows, as they shield from RF far better.

The audio quality from my computers is easily beyond what was expected originally from the sound cards, and would take a very good external DAC to even match this.



Word of caution on the Tacima, they restrict if under load. So the computer and audio amplifier must be on it's own separate Tacima's. I work in AI and I discovered this when my computer was under load training a neural network, the audio quality was reduced by the extra power the computer was taking - sucked life from the amplifier / music. After this I never ran a PC and amplifier on the same single Tacima ever again.

Tacima mains conditioner + Russ Andrews 8TC High Current Powerkord + Seasonic Titanium

Van Damme Silver Lo-Cap 55's.

Finally for anyone who thinks electric noise can not effect a DAC, the following is a 30 minute podcast with the Direct of Power / Engineering at AudioQuest on how electrical noise effects a DAC. Once you listen to this podcast you will realise I'm actually ahead of the game by trying to reduce electrical noise and RF interference.
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Guest2 your absolutely correct, if you don't have a clean sounding amp then the source is wasted.

The three most important things are still speakers, speaker setup and amplifier.

Out of the box, the ST is better then the STX II, I used the alternative STX II op amps that improved it.
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