In-ear headphones for £25 +-£5

24 Jul 2004
Devon, UK
Looking for something around this price mark, have been making do with some JVC ones I paid a tenner for a year ago but I want something better.

Going to be used with the music player on an N82.

What do people recommend?
Koss ksc 75 (clip on ear type).

Best pair of phones I have in my collection pound for pound. Stunning value at about £10-15 and the best out there if you don't need isolation. Will even be modding mine plus recabling them with a cable concoction that will cost x2 more than the actual headphones :D

Not really keen on modding anything - bit worried i'd do it wrong. :o
I was hoping it would be a bit more clear-cut on this subject. :|

I'm tempted by the Sennheisers, simply because i've seen them recommended before in this price range.

How am I supposed to make a decision if you all recommend different ones? :p
cx300's are horrible. honestly save up more and get something (anything) better. the ex85's are in another league and priced around £32 or so, or theres the denon c351's to consider at the same price. either of those will comfortable outperform the cx300's

Are the CX400s any better?
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