Hi to all,
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in building a small application for free...
It basically sits in the background on your computer, and retrieves updates from a website using XML. The updates contain messages, and the application is basically a messenger.
Consider it a very simple instant messenger, which works using XML. All the server scripting is done, I just need a client application to read and send xml to and from the server. It's literally a text box to enter data and a text box containing the conversation. Nothing fancy.
If anyone would be willing to do this for me, i'd really appreciate it. I would do it myself but I have no experience with .net or C#, else I would do it myself!
Any takers?
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in building a small application for free...
It basically sits in the background on your computer, and retrieves updates from a website using XML. The updates contain messages, and the application is basically a messenger.
Consider it a very simple instant messenger, which works using XML. All the server scripting is done, I just need a client application to read and send xml to and from the server. It's literally a text box to enter data and a text box containing the conversation. Nothing fancy.
If anyone would be willing to do this for me, i'd really appreciate it. I would do it myself but I have no experience with .net or C#, else I would do it myself!
Any takers?