In SERIOUS debt!

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
I have the following debts...

£7500 - Student Loans Company
£1250 - Overdraft Limit
£1200 - Borrowed from Girlfriend
£500 - Credit Card
£450 - Borrowed from Dad

Total debt = £9,900!

1.) The student loan is repayable monthly on finishing University and once i get a job earning over a certain amount so that is the least of my worries.

2.) My first worry is my Credit card.

Basically i was wondering what you would all do? Would you get a £5000 loan to pay back everything bar the loans company? Possibly something else?
Man, this is the lowest point in my life right now. *sulks*

To make matters worse i have to have *ANOTHER* wisdom tooth removed this morning at 11. I had another wisdom out a few weeks ago and it was horrific! :(

Top that with an atrocious sleeping habit, quiting ONE of my jobs cuz i hate them all (well, just the manager) and three essays that have deadlines at the end of the week.

I see no light, just a dank, dark void of chain smoking and depression. Off to see my g/f for a cheer up. ;)
jamoor said:
cut the smoking thats a start.
dont spend any money on you gf thats a second
visit here next
that should sort you out.

I wish i COULD spend money on my g/f, fortunately it's been the other way around. She's an accountant/pharmacist and i'm a lowly 2nd year at Uni (retook both my first years in college and uni). Good thing i'm a drummer in a cool metal band eh? ;)

As for smoking, i don't even buy the fags, my Dad imports them from Chad/Kazakhstan or wherever the hell he is on the cheap á la free for me. :)

Good thing i have people to support me otherwise i'd be a nervous wreck.

Thanks for the tips all, appreciate it.
Lostkat said:
Move the credit card onto a 6 months interest free one, and then cut it up as soon as you've transferred the balance so you can't spend any more on it. £500 isn't much to have on a credit card, but you need to stop using it before it gets out of control.

Also, get yourself a job, even if it's bar work. I had to work in my 3rd year to keep my head above water. Means you don't get much of a social life, but it's better than having no cash at all.

I had TWO jobs man, i just quit one of them. At the moment i work 3/4 nights a week in a Japanese restaurant. With tips i get around £7 an hour. :)

Great, thanks for the heads up on an interest free card. I will look into it.
Just got back from my tooth extraction, two words, HORRIFIC... PAIN! Took three injections and 20 minutes to get me numb, haha!

Anyway i'm in awe to the amount of support from people here and more interestingly the many experiences people have gone through with debt. Reading up on everyones posts was most comforting, lol. I've always had the same problem with lowrider007, if i want something i have to have it regardless of my bank balance. It is just money afterall, but i'm definitley more wary of what i will be buying as of late.

All your opinions are greatly appreciated, i'm working right now on getting my interest free overdraft increased by £500 so i can pay that credit card back. Then i will start paying back that overdraft while putting a little off towards my dad and girlfriend each month with the part time job i have.

As for smoking, i'm a health freak (contradiction, heheh), i actually stopped smoking for 2 weeks after my first tooth extraction so there is no way i'll be smoking for the next two weeks. Like i said i get the cigs imported for free (cheers Dad!) and in a way that leads to to smoking much less as the craving to buy cigs and then smoking them is gone. I only really smoke 3/4 at work on a Friday/Saturday when we are busy or when i'm amidst getting an essay written.

Thanks all. :)
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