In serious need of some new games!

18 Dec 2008
So it strikes me I'm bored of my current games and going through a phase of contemplation in selling the PC (which I won't do) because I'm bored.

I've been playing Chivalry as of late, Hitman tm, Kerbal (which I've never been any good at) Stranded Deep, GTA, Skyrim, Fallout 4 etc etc.

I need something new, something fairly modern with a gripping storyline...

I'm done with World of warships, done with War Thunder, Chivalry and games of that ilk... I need something awesome!

Any suggestions?
Same here, starting to think I'm growing out of gaming or something, that or the quality of games is going down. Aside from Football Manager Witcher 3 is the only game I've been engrossed in and completed in recent years
Try the humble bundle for story games?

Dreamfall chapters is quite good. Its the only game really thats got me back from never playing on the pc for a good while.
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Try a few indie games like mark of the ninja or deadlight. Also divinity original sin is great just started playing the enhanced edition
Dying Light,
The Walking Dead
The Wolf Among Us
Tomb Raider
The Witcher 3 (although I never got into it)
The Witcher 3. That'll last you a while.

Dying light, with a mate preferably, who doesn't love zombie games and buggies to drive around in!

Impressive, two best options right there in the first two posts, OCUK folk have good taste. This Polish import is indeed delicious, one is the best RPG ever made, the other is the best zombie game ever made. And both have received amazing expansions to boot. That is 300 hours of highest quality entertainment right here, OP. So if you haven't played these, you can stop searching and feeling bored.

However regarding Dying Light, I would actually suggest playing it solo. The atmosphere is much more immersive, it is almost STALKER-like when playing alone.
Have you played the mass effect series? ME1 is a bit slow and the combat isn't that great but the story is good. ME2 and 3 are more engaging, with better combat and still a good story.

Edit- me1 doesn't feel modern. Me2 and 3 do.
Crusader Kings 2
Europa Universalis 4
Rome: Total War (the first one)
Empire: Total War
Napoleon: Total War
Company of Heroes 2
Stellaris (coming out in May)
Hearts of Iron 4 (coming out in June)
Maybe not fun fun as in exciting rush but ive just gave Lifeless Planet a go after being in my library for yonks and its not too bad and is actually fun enough for me to play through. Thought it be boring and tiny bits are but its very atmospheric and its nice exploring.
If he likes cut scenes and excessive amounts of dialogue.

(I say this as a fan of other cut scene heavy titles like final fantasy and metal gear solid. TW3's is excessive.)

The interface for items / skills and the combat on the Witcher games always ruined them for me. I really can't understand why it's so bad but I can't stand it. I find myself comparing them to blizzard games. The witcher is interface is terrible in comparison.
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