In the year 2100

25 Nov 2005
We all will likely be dead, will the forum be around ? Maybe it will just be a part of the internet archive ?

OCUK celebrates being 20 this weekend, will it make to 100 ?

80 years is a lifetime away

We're just getting to 2 months into 2020 and we've already nearly had ww3 with Iran and the US, we've had a deadly coronavirus infect China and get a little bit around the globe, we've had Iran shoot a passenger jet, Turkey are trying to have a war with Syria & Russia, parts of the UK getting flooded, a very mild winter, T-shirt weather in Antartica, Australia literally on fire, etc etc

This first 2 months of the year have been crazy

Maybe we won't last a year ?
As for the forum, it's already essentially a relic of a bygone era, I don't see why it shouldn't hang around for a long, long time.

80 years though ? Surely by then everyone will all be on internet 2.0 which I'd imagine would be vastly different to how our archaic internet works and as such a message board will no longer be fit for purpose ?

The drama you list is frankly child's play compared to what was going on for most of the 20th century..

It's only really 2 world wars that make it child's play, take those away and it's much the same no ?
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