Inbetweeners returns

I hope it isn't terrible, but I get the feeling it's going to be. I think they should have left it, probably at just the TV series and not even done the movies. I'm partial to a Christmas special mind, so I will be watching this regardless.
I hope it isn't terrible, but I get the feeling it's going to be. I think they should have left it, probably at just the TV series and not even done the movies. I'm partial to a Christmas special mind, so I will be watching this regardless.

I have hopes that because its a limited special rather than a full blown return series, that it will be decent
Thought the last film was a bit tired other than a couple of scenes (the water park scene :D ).

The characters themselves would be too old to be believable now unless they can move them on into a post university world.
The inbetweeners was a show of it's time and would it be PC now, or even something teens/20's could relate too, but will be interesting to see if they can mature the characters and give them some self-reflection.

Yes, a one off could work ... better then the painful peep show revival
Loved the series, didn't think much to the first movie but the second movie had me in bits in so many parts (water park, guitar song, desert scene). However I think the break has been too long for it to really work and everyone is offended by everything now :(
Will watch this for sure, loved the series and the films were good also (surprisingly good based on the history of TV shows failing spectacularly when crossing over to movie).

Remember The Simpson Movie....good god
**** me. Thread is full of the criminally offended "everyone takes offence nowadays" crowd.
They do though. No way in hell would the original be shown now without a scream up from the feminists offended by the moniker “Charlotte Big Jugs” and accusations of homophobia because of the Neil’s dad jokes.
**** me. Thread is full of the criminally offended "everyone takes offence nowadays" crowd.

Eh? That is some rather dubious logic there, they’re expressing an opinion that they hope a funny show is still funny and isn’t ruined by the current climate in which some people take offence too easily.

They’re the complete opposite of being offended, they just want to be entertained. None of them have indicated that they’re offended by this, if anything it’s your post that possibly seems to be taking offence.
Right, so this has now changed has it?
They were always getting back together - the special celebration has been known about for the past few months.
However it is not a "special episode" it's a documentary type show, them talking about it, clips from the shows, the old car being driven around - it isn't an Inbetweeners episode.

So are the DM talking their usual crap or has this now actually turned into a "new episode"?
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