Independent Schools

31 May 2005
Both myself and my wife had a state education and neither of us have any problems admitting our education could have been better but both agree our time at school was fun and enjoyable but obviously would like better for our own children.

I admit that I was once very narrow minded regarding Independent schools and was one of the "Never did me any harm" brigade but since the recent birth of our first child, we have been discussing the merits of our children being taught in an independent school.

We do not live in the best of areas and although the state school is OK, I would have course like better for my child.

We are not millionaires but by choosing holidays more wisely and general thriftyness, an independent schooling would be a possibility. We are not talking about boarding schools, just independent schools.

Also, I read different sources saying that same sex schools often benefit the pupils, girls more so as they obviously mature at a different level to boys.

Any input appreciated from both sides of the camp.

Well, thank you all very much for the replies so far, especially Chimaera and N9ne, very usefull indeed.

N9ne, you mention about Indenpendent Junior schooling not being as beneficial as senior schooling. This is a thought I have had myself. My only concern was that our child would make friends at their State Junior school and then have to leave the majority of them when going to an Independent Senior school.

Has anyone here gone from a state Junior to an independent senior? How was the transition? As been mentioned, I would have thought that the social environment at an independent would be less intimidating for a newcomer?

sniffy said:
I would take the private root though if the local school was very dodgy/completely pap

My concern is that with my experience of state schools, a desire to learn is often greeted with distain by fellow pupils which can hinder the childs desire to learn and better themselves if they so wish. I get the impression that the desire to learn and do well is the norm in independent schools. Im not saying this is the case, simply my own current thoughts.
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Thanks you all very much for your feedback, this is proving to be a very helpfull and informative thread from a personal point of view.

I do personally feel as though an Independent schooling would be best for our children.

I guess the next topic for discussion is a mixed or same sex school?

Again, I freely admit to being the one who would mock single sex schools in my youth but now see them in a different light and see the advantages of them. Although I have to question what the negatives are, if any.

Vertigo1 said:
With regards to single or mixed sex schooling, I can see the benefits of single sex but in retrospect, suddenly being mixed up with girls when you're trying to concentrate on A-levels was rather entertaining :D


If you dont mind me asking, how did you find it in a single sex school? What were the positives and negatives?

Mattus said:
For those who believe that going to an expensive school ensures good grades, I have two words: Prince Harry.

Myself personally, I am leaning more towards an independent education not just for the grades but for the total package. I feel that socially and many other ways, my child would benefit. NOT TO PICK ON A STEREOTYPE, how many teenagers can only enjoy themselves with a bottle of white lightning on the local park? I would rather my childs eyes were opened to many other forms of entertainment which would challenge them both physically and mentally.

chimaera said:
My one criticism of independent schools however is that most have big problems with drugs and alcohol, much more so than state schools, simply because these little rich kids have the means to get hold of them in plentiful quantities, it's something very serious that most independent schools gloss over quite successfully.

Would anyone agree/disagree with this as that is quiet a concern. I could imagine it being a bigger problem at boarding schools. I will say that my state school had a similar problem though.
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chimaera said:
Apologies if i worried you a bit with that statement but that is how i've seen it throughout my life.

Did not worry me at all. It actually made me giggle as I too thought that the dealer was just plain stupid. He wasnt doing it out of the need for money, he was doing it because he was a twit, well, thats how I see it. And how much money was he being given by his folks - Obviously enough to buy Cannabis and E's at wholesale. Makes the parents stupid if you ask me.. were they not keeping an eye on where his money went?

Money CANNOT buy Common Sense.

chimaera said:
But then i'm a firm believer in that if your child has a good head on their shoulders then they'll say no when they're inevitably introduced to it.

Couldn't agree more.
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