Indian motorbike licence

You don't need to do anything as far as your driving licence is concerned. Your full UK one is fine.

:eek: But riding/driving in India is a completely different ballgame to the UK.
1) Most Indian drivers/moped riders do not have any form of licence or insurance.
2)Most Indian drivers/moped riders have no concept of road safety at all.
3)As far as most Indian drivers/moped riders are concerned, there are no rules to the road other than getting somewhere as fast as possible.
4)Because of (3), they can and will drive on whatever side of the road suits them.
5)If you are involved in an accident, because of (1) be prepared to hand over cash, even if it's the other party's fault. Because when the police are called they will side with the Indian, even if the Indian caused the accident and has no licence or insurance.
6)Make 100% certain you have fully comp medical cover, because your stay in hospital will be expensive.
You don't need to do anything as far as your driving licence is concerned. Your full UK one is fine.

:eek: But riding/driving in India is a completely different ballgame to the UK.
1) Most Indian drivers/moped riders do not have any form of licence or insurance.
2)Most Indian drivers/moped riders have no concept of road safety at all.
3)As far as most Indian drivers/moped riders are concerned, there are no rules to the road other than getting somewhere as fast as possible.
4)Because of (3), they can and will drive on whatever side of the road suits them.
5)If you are involved in an accident, because of (1) be prepared to hand over cash, even if it's the other party's fault. Because when the police are called they will side with the Indian, even if the Indian caused the accident and has no licence or insurance.
6)Make 100% certain you have fully comp medical cover, because your stay in hospital will be expensive.

so walking it is....
Haha, no no, trust me, I won't be doing it intentionally however I might have to rent a little 125 (aka suicide bike out there!) to do me for 3 days of my travelling.

So just wondered.

Thanks guys :D
Well, I was going to ask for you to give some feedback on what it's like when you return, just out of interest. But I realise that's a stupid question, so I will simply say, was nice knowing you, and can I have your Ducati, seen as you're more than likely be killed by some mental Indian driver out there :p.
Part of me would love to ride, or drive, in India just to see how bad it really is, but that part of me also hates me and would happily see me dead. The sane part says **** that.
There is no ****ing way I'd ride a bike/ped in India. No way...

OP, give it some serious thought because safety isn't an option out there!
There is no ****ing way I'd ride a bike/ped in India. No way...

Me either. India has something like 1% of the worlds vehicles, but accounts for 10% of road deaths globally. Half of all deaths are motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians.

I've seen how bad it gets in China, and India is apparently quite a bit worse.
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