Indiana Jones and the City of Gods...

Not gonna be the same though is it? The bloke's 64 now!

It'd be better if they had a good actor playing his son with Ford playing the father figure much like Connery did in the Last Crusade.
Nix said:
It'd be better if they had a good actor playing his son with Ford playing the father figure much like Connery did in the Last Crusade.

Before his death River Phoenix was lined up to become the next "Indiana" and Harisson Ford would infact play the role Shaun Connery did in the Last Crusade. I think they were going to do 3 more films with Phoenix but like I said, he died in the early 90's. Drug overdose I think...

^^ Phoenix played Indiana as a kid
m0r94n said:
Before his death River Phoenix was lined up to become the next "Indiana" and Harisson Ford would infact play the role Shaun Connery did in the Last Crusade. I think they were going to do 3 more films with Phoenix but like I said, he died in the early 90's. Drug overdose I think...

^^ Phoenix played Indiana as a kid

In the Viper Club owned by Johnny Depp.
I didn't know the subtitle of Indiana Jones and assumed City of Gods was a sequel to City of God, stupid I am :o
I was hoping for a 'Fate of Atlantis' style movie, as per the PC game. 'The City of Gods' is a fairly good compromise I feel. Plus Ford doesn't look 64 by a long shot, I'm sure it'll be as gripping as ever provided they stick to the winning formula. A good mix of history with the supernatural is always good.
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