Ineligible for a loan (minor rant)

9 Dec 2009
I borrowed 10k from Zopa 5 years ago, choosing them because they had the cheapest rate.

I had an email today confirming that I've now repaid the loan. I expected to see a line offering another loan at a decent rate, but they weren't offering anything, so I decided to run through an initial quote with them for the same amount and period, just to see what rates they're now offering 5 years later. I don't want a loan, just curious.

They won't offer me a loan, not even at an expensive rate! I'd understand if I was a bad payer, but I didn't miss any payments. My credit score is higher, though I did move 18 months ago so maybe that's it. Rant over.
Are you sure the loan had left your credit file? it may be that you have paid it off, but it probably won't instantly disappear from your file. To a lender it may look like you are trying to get a loan whilst already having one.

That's a good point. It must still be on my credit file because Zopa emailed me to say the final payment had been received before the money was showing as deducted from my bank account.
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