Infernal Affairs

cheets64 said:
Its on tonight on Film 4 at 9pm, not seen it but seen The Departed so its a must for me.

I saw infernal affair about 6 months before i seen the departed, to me, Mr. giant Eyebrows did nothing more than a remake. I don't know why they just call it a remake.
Raymond Lin said:
I saw infernal affair about 6 months before i seen the departed, to me, Mr. giant Eyebrows did nothing more than a remake. I don't know why they just call it a remake.

I thought they did? :confused:

To be perfectly honest, i watched all 3 Infernal Affairs after enjoying The Departed and thought The Departed was better. Not by much, but i thought it was easier to understand and follow - and generally better made.
I've read all things like "he took ideas from it" to "his take on the concept", which is rubbish. Some of the key scenes are literally shot for shot the same.

As to the film, The Departed is a good movie but i don't think its his best work compared to his other Oscar nominated movies.
Raymond Lin said:
I've read all things like "he took ideas from it" to "his take on the concept", which is rubbish. Some of the key scenes are literally shot for shot the same.
There are shots in the trailer alone that are nigh on identical.
Funny thing is the buggers at the Oscars called it a remake of a Japanese film. The fools!! I enjoyed IA much more :) .
I think the original Hong Kong/triad setting fits it better anyway, instead of the Italian mafia thing they converted it into.

Just realised infernal affair was as recent as 2002, and Departed is 2006. With Preproduction, post production, acquiring rights, scripts and casting. It didn't take them long before work started on it did it !
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Watched the departed thinking it was gonna be ace.
All the way through I thought I'd seen it before, but couldn't have since it was new.
Then the penny dropped.
Wish I'd seen it before Infernal Affairs to be honest, would have been more enjoyable.
even though the departed was truly an amazing piece of cinema, IA was still better.

However i have read many interviews and like saying that Scorsce did not watch IA at all! i dont know what to think of this as some of the scenes are very close copies!

Still IA 10/10
Departed 9.8/10
the_one_deep86 said:
even though the departed was truly an amazing piece of cinema, IA was still better.

However i have read many interviews and like saying that Scorsce did not watch IA at all! i dont know what to think of this as some of the scenes are very close copies!

Still IA 10/10
Departed 9.8/10

Lies !!!! How can he not watched it? :eek: That is almost an insult to intelligence.
Raymond Lin said:
Lies !!!! How can he not watched it? :eek: That is almost an insult to intelligence.

i know but its apparantly true! off the top of my head he said he didnt want to make a remake!
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