****ing fuming!

7 Oct 2009
Need to vent.

Was just riding down the A5 and came up behind two cars, the front one was doing about 35mph in a 60 for whatever reason.

I waited until the road was safe to overtake and then waited for a further 5 seconds or so to see if the other vehicle behind the slow car would overtake. He showed no signs of it so I stuck my indicator on and went to accelerate past. I was doing nigh on 60 and about to go past the first vehicle when he decided he would in fact overtake without indicating and apparently not checking his mirrors.

I came about a foot away from hitting the back right of his car even after squeezing the front brake and beeping the horn.

For some reason after hearing my horn the dozy **** thought the best way to deal with me about to get knocked off by him at 60mph was to brake himself. This brought his rear end even closer to my front wheel and almost knocked me off again!

What a complete idiot. Needless to say I eventually rode past him and caught his eye on the way. Not even a hint of apologetic behaviour but instead he shook his head and gave me the middle finger.

There is absolutely no way he wouldn't have seen me if he had checked his mirrors. I made sure I was in the reflection in his mirror, he just didn't check it.

I also went to the other side of the road to accelerate instead of getting speed behind him to make sure both cars knew I was overtaking.

As for getting a loud exhaust, I too have the baffles removed from my renegade can.
maybe you should have given the driver a little more time to see what he was going to do.

No. Should is not the right word. Everything I should have done, I did.

I could have given him more time to see me but that wouldn't have prevented anything as he didn't check his mirrors. I know for a fact that if he had checked his mirrors, he would have seen me because I could see him.
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