Injury claims

18 Oct 2002
This isnt usually my style, but hey i've been annoyed so im after a bit of revenge.
Basically the story goes I was riding my bike out in the courtyard of my uni accomodation, and because the block paved floor was slimey I locked up the brakes, lost control and slammed into a wall causing some pretty good injuries ot my right arm. I have photos of the bruising (arm was swollen to twice the size and probably 2/3rds coverage of completely black bruising), and to this day that arm has pretty majorly limited movement.

Do I actually have any grounds to make a claim?
christ no need to resort to personal attacks here! I was only asking, now I know.

Oh, and you try stopping on mossy bricks, it just so happens i have large disc brakes on my bike but even the worst brakes in the world would have locked on that stuff if was like ice (and still is).

And Raymond Lin, i'm not entirely sure what the legal jargon means there, but im fairly sure they must have a responsibility to make sure the path is safe, it is within a completely enclosed courtyard to which only residents have access. And theres nothing to even suggest that you shouldnt ride bikes in there.

And for the others, please dont bother insulting me, it makes you look pathetic.
I took a trip to A&E at the time, 6th October it was.

And neon, seriously, there is no way i could have stopped I was going fairly quickly, I didnt anticipate the ground to be so slippery nearer the wall, had it been a normal amount of friction I could have stopped easily like I say I have big brakes.
wow, and there I was thinking this thread had died a long time back.

And yes, Raymond and Rich are top guys, thanks for giving an informative, unopinionated response.
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