Injury Question

2 Jun 2003
Bristol UK
Hey guys,

First post in SA and it's not a good one. Since the start of last year I've been going to the gym on and off, nothing really too serious. Since about 6 weeks ago I made a conscience decision to go by myself (I used to go with a mate who lost interest), and since then I've been going 4/5 times a week.

Whilst I've not been overdoing it I've started to notice a difference here & there, and I've been pretty happy with how it's going. I've not been in any pain (only soreness from the days previous) and been feeling good....until today.

It was leg day today, so did calf raises and squats on the smith machine (there's no squat rack as such) and racked up for deadlift (Romanian grip). I was on my last rep (10th) of the first set of 3 and when coming up I felt something go in my lower back, and it was at that point I knew something ****ed up. I unracked and went home straight away (only live right across the road) as I was a bit worried about doing any more damage. I was at 42.5kg, and while that is nothing compared to what some of you guys do I've been increasing it by a couple of Kgs every couple of weeks and it's been feeling fine. I thought my form was good (can really feel it in the hamstrings), but maybe not. Or it's just a freak accident?

I'm more more annoyed than anything else, I just don't want this to impact on the rest of my regime as I've really been pushing on since going again. I know it'll be tomorrow when it's going to be really sore and I'll have a better indication of what I'm in for.

My question is that tomorrow would be chest & back day - what would you experienced guys do in my shoes? Not go, do chest, do both but very light back exercises? I'm just a little worried right now and hope I haven't done any major damage.

Thanks for reading.

tl;dr I felt my back go doing deadlifts and need some advice about what to do next.
Thanks for all the advice guys. I guess I did the sensible thing and saw a doctor this morning.

She said it's most likely one of the discs has slipped a little, as that could be the sensation I felt yesterday morning. She said it could take as long as 6 (!) weeks to recover fully but more likely is 2/3. I've got some Ibuprofen and anti-inflammatories so going to take a week or 2 off lifting and (depending how I feel) go from there. She also gave me some back stretching exercises to make things a bit more supple.

For sure I want to get back to the gym asap but I'd rather take that little longer and make sure I don't do this again.

I'm definitely going to do warm up sets in future and take extra care with my form from now on. Thanks guys.
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