Ink - Cheapest to buy?

Might want to look at a continuous ink system. I've been thinking of getting one of these for a while - not sure how they compare to the "official" ink though.
Canon PGI-525 black & CLI-526 BCMY (5 ink) compatibles purchased

Thanks Bulb :D

EDIT : Just thought, balls i've bought the compatibles and not the originals.. hope it doesn't ruin my prints! :(
Well I've bought it now including both blacks, however it's compatible inks and not originals.. Not impressed tbh :(
Well I've bought it now including both blacks, however it's compatible inks and not originals.. Not impressed tbh :(

Well you didn't say you wanted originals and it's clear in the description what they are, they have a money back a 100% money back guarantee so if you not happy send em back.

7Dayshop have Canon originals at about £9:50 and compatables for £4.70 & £3.99 dependant on brand.

Have used them several times and have never had an issue.
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Got my inks this morning from inkxpressdirect.. Holy that is fast!

EDIT : Happy to say that the Quality of prints from the compatibles which was a huge concern is just as good as the canons
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