Insane rent increase.

3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
So me and my partner moved into this house in Chadderton, Oldham (nowhere fancy) a year ago. Since then she's halfed her salary and we've got a 7 month old.

When we moved in they made out they wanted is to treat it like our home and they're for long term but are kind of saying the opposite now, all these houses are owned by an investment firm so any chance to get more money they're going to rub their hands.

Our house is a tiny 2 bed and we were charged £725 per month however they wanted to raise the rent to £855!?!!!

Our tenancy ends on 16th May and they told is this yesterday, I think they require one month notice to give us.

But between bartering offers time is going to crack on and if we can't agree an offer I can only imagine it'll be extremely close to our tenancy expiring. So if we've not agreed an offer by the end can they kick us out?

Doesn't that amount of rent increase seem insane? The next door neighbor who's house is through the same form with the same investors behind and she's been there 2 years longer was paying 675 and now paying 725, so seems they don't play fair either?

Just seems disgusting to me when our wages have gone up less than 5% not to mention cost of living rise with inflation we're going to be royaly screwed!
And you are surprised? Housing market is a joke.

Well given the few next door neighbours have increased by £50 max, I'm astonished. There is no houses affordable to move to either.

We have joined income of £50k annual which will has gone down to 35k maybe slightly more due to gf going part time.
Blimey, sounds like we're really screwed then :(, we have enough money for a 5% deposit mortgage but can't see us finding and securing a house in a few months we was hoping 1 to 2 years.

If they serve 2 month's notice would that be from end of contract so might give us a few more months before court proceedings?
We must be a failure working in banks on low wages every man and his dog must earn more. 25k salary must be like 15k 10 years ago. Seems pointless working when the wage doesn't amount to anything meaningful.
I'm confused? Are you a communist? Is all property, our property?

If the landlord feels they've underpriced the rent, they are now committed forever to low rent? If it's so expensive then go out find another place.

I rented for years. I never complained when rent was increased. It's up to me to accept or find a better place. Same goes for anything else, salary, price of milk, or how much a plumber charges me. I don't go round dictating what others should think when it is their time, property or produce.

Sounds like you only care for your own circumstances. Do we all have the same 24 hours as well?

Our rent is going up £130 per month, the next door neighbors has gone up £30 per month, owned by the same company, the property is the same.

It's an absolute rip off disproportionate with anything but greedy "market rate".
Have you tried negotiating? As mentioned earlier in the thread some landlords will come down in price to save the hassle of finding a new tenant.

Are the rents different between the properties or have they now been raised to an equal level (was your rent cheaper than theirs before)? They might not realise that you know what next door are paying so you can use that when negotiating.

Our rent when we moved in was £725, the next door neighbours was £695, theirs has gone up to £725, ours has gone up to £855.

The properties are 100% the same except ours has a slightly bigger garden which I can't imagine justifies the rent increase, we're on the end of a terrace basically.

We are trying to negotiate however the company is so slow at getting back by the time we can or cannot come to an agreement it'll be close to May 16th and our tenancy will be nearing its end.
So 10% more would be 797.50. scary.

The other end where it's end terrace think he's paying less than £700 though.
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