Insanity hell burger

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Ever watched man vs food and thought I really want to try that. So I did some cooking.

Vital stats each burger
3.5 scotch bonnets per burger
1/4 bottle daves insanity sauce
1/16 bottle cholua hot suace
1/2 bottle jalapeños
250g beef


7 scotch bonnets, 1/4 bottle daves insanity sauce

The red devil connection

Decided to combine this with the juicy Lucy, devil paste is in the meat.

Flipped, looking good. Chocking at this point, eyes streaming. Had to open the windows.

Whole bottle of jalapenos

Another 1/4 bottle of insanity sauce and 1/8 bottle of the other one.

Assembled with a bit of mayo

Pain is really kicking in now, eyes are well and truly uses less, mucus, snot, you get the idea.

I'm defeated, I reckon less than 1/4 left
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All I can taste and continue to taste is the fruity loveliness of scotch bonnets.

However my body's temprature controll has gone haywire. Hands and legs freezing, head and back is on fire.
No thanks
Insanity sauce is only 150,000 scovilles and 100,000-350,000

Ghost is over a million.

Just finish it off and burnings back.
Glaucus, Does your head feel really clean though? Like you've been nasally irrigated?
Nope, back to normal other than an odd felling in stomach that hot kind of feeling like after a hot curry.

Dave's sauce is ok for cooking in moderation, but it's not something I'd use as a sauce personally. I like food hot with taste, rather than hot for the sake of it.

This was not about taste, this was to see what it was like and if I could do it.
i bet that burger tasted rank , just loads of heat and no taste at all.

It very much tasted of scotch bonnets, which have a really nice fruity taste. It certainly didn't taste rank and it did have flavour. But it did have a shed load of heat.

Chillis do have taste as well as heat, something people don't seem to realise.
However saying that it wasn't pleasant, but then it wasn't done for pleasure like other meals.
I wouldn't be touching that thing with my hands, all that hot sauce and chilli's. You'd go for a **** and think your ******* was falling off.

This, plus avoid the lips and face.

Washing hands in oil first before soap removes most of it. As capsicum readily resolves in fat/oil but not water. Hence yoghourt/milk not water.
I'd probably only have a bite or two due to worrying about being in pain for the next 24-48 hours whenever I went to the bathroom ;)

That wasn't nearly as bad as. The random stomach pains. Which came 3 times over the course of 12 hours. Luckily only last a few mins, then went again.
You mentalist

My old housemate had something called Blaines Mega Death sauce (I think) probably similar stuff. If you put any more than a tea spoon into any meal the whole thing was ruined :D

Blairs death sauce and the original is only 35,000 scovilles.
Although the range does go up to 1.1million with blairs ultra death sauce.

Wouldn't mind trying

Beyond Death Sauce - A habanero sauce with Red and Orange Habaneros, Vinegar, Pepper Extract, Fresh Cayenne, Smashed Garlic, Chipotle, Lime Juice, Cilantro, Fresh Herbs, and Spices.[4] 99,760 Scoville units.[3]

Sounds like a good mix of flavours.
Nom, do burgers work well in a naan? Do you think these were hotter than GoatBotherers burgers?

Well, very well IMO. Any substantial flat bread works well. Nothing to thin though.

I've missed or more likely forgotten that thread.
Found it, his should be a fair bit hotter.
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