
Just don't feel like sleeping.

I went for a not exactly productive midnight walk, saw quite a few peeps watching the sky.
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I've always been a "Night Owl" as my circadium rhythm has always been what would be considered "out of sync" with the rest of the world by about 3-4 hours. So for me my usual sleep pattern is 2am til 10am, which obviously doesn't match most jobs 8am-5pm schedule so I generally run a sleep deficit Monday to Friday (2am to 7am) and catch-up at the weekend, which keeps me going but does overall wear me down until I have a week off work every 3 months or so. The odd part is when I have longer time away from work, say 3 weeks over Christmas etc, my timings do slightly shift later by an hour or 2 by the end, so 4am to noon, but thats very rare to get that much time away from work. It does mean I'm always available for a night shift however, so some bonuses there :D

People with a more normal rhythm will tell me continually "how" to reset by body clock, but if I try to sleep before say 1am (at the earliest) I just lie lay there for hours and hours, not tired etc. The only exception is after full day of large physical exertion (20mile hike, moving tons of rubble/soil etc), when the physical tiredness over-rules my brains "but I'm not ready yet" messaging. As I get older (approaching 50 now) I've found myself needing a 15min cat nap at around 6-7pm which doesn't have an effect on when I feel tired generally.

I've been like this since I can remember and I've probably so many "automatic/instinctive" coping mechanisms that it's just my version of "normal" and has no real noticeable effect for me, but it has annoyed partners in the past.
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