Inspiration needed

17 Mar 2004
A while ago a friend said he'd like his site re-designing.

He wanted the same colours using but modernising/cleaning up.

I have come up with the following, but now i'm stuck.

Do you think the red/grey/blue work well together? I think it looks quite clean but if you add another grey box for the content area it looks a bit too much.

Help! Cheers.
Phaser said:
Do you think the red/grey/blue work well together?
Without being able to see how the content is going to affect the colours, I'd initially say no, not particularly. Depends whether you're going to offset all that red with something.

Not a great fan of the two-colour logo text concept either. I think it's become a bit of a cliché myself.

Apologies for the lack of positive comments; it could be a really great layout with some content and decoration in it, so don't take my opinion as final :).
Cheers for the input mate.

Might end up changing the red to grey. Not sure yet.

I quite like the logo, think its simple but refreshing..Might add a bit of glow or something to it.

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