after a recent update from suse which does not allow me to run my screen at 1680x1050 I thought i'd move to another distro.......and thought about Arch.
Been wanting to use it for some time but never really had the time/need to so tonight is the night
I need to have a working OS by close of play this evening, I need gnome,virtualbox and rdesktop as a minimum and also the ability to work through a proxy.
Is it best to go with the "standard" arch install or use one on of the live CD distros to install a base system and then install what i need on top?
was thinking of either chakra, ctkarchlive or kahelOS
my internet connection is around the 6meg
after a recent update from suse which does not allow me to run my screen at 1680x1050 I thought i'd move to another distro.......and thought about Arch.
Been wanting to use it for some time but never really had the time/need to so tonight is the night
I need to have a working OS by close of play this evening, I need gnome,virtualbox and rdesktop as a minimum and also the ability to work through a proxy.
Is it best to go with the "standard" arch install or use one on of the live CD distros to install a base system and then install what i need on top?
was thinking of either chakra, ctkarchlive or kahelOS
my internet connection is around the 6meg