Installing Opensolaris???

28 Dec 2002
Northern Ireland
Hi Guys,
I am trying to install OpenSolaris on a Dell 1650 but everytime i select what i want to boot into on the cd it then goes to a black screen with some Version information at the top and thats it?

Not sure were to go from here?

Solaris can be very picky about hardware - are you sure that what you've got is compatible?
Solaris can be very picky about hardware - are you sure that what you've got is compatible?

Hardware support is improving all the time

You can try one of the latest builds from (130 is the latest)

If you google "opensolaris HCL" you should get access to the Sun Bigadmin page for opensolaris - this has resonable lists of all things Dell and HP etc
You could try typing startx. It sounds like Xorg is not starting, so presumably your graphics card is not supported. You might get some debugging information as a result of typing the command.
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