Installing Umbraco

27 Sep 2004
I'm trying to get up and running with Umbraco but I can't find any guides for installing the package onto my web hosting via FTP. I'm running OSX so can't access the Microsoft installer software. :confused:

Any help or useful links?

Cheers :)
if you run PHP sites, you'll have a linux box. You need to get a windows box to host Umbraco .net sites! (btw, I'd move away from Fasthosts if I were you. I had nothing but trouble with them!)
if you run PHP sites, you'll have a linux box. You need to get a windows box to host Umbraco .net sites! (btw, I'd move away from Fasthosts if I were you. I had nothing but trouble with them!)

It's definitely Windows! I've been running PHP sites with Fasthosts since I was 16, never had an issue with them(23 now) and their support is often quick to respond.

I've installed Joomla for the time being but I'd really like to get up and running with Umbraco.
I'd try installing it locally on your machine - don't do the database configuration or anything, just do as much as to get the site set up on IIS, then upload the files through FTP - navigate to it and see what happens :p
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