Installing Windows or applications on a flash drive - is it worthwhile?

18 Oct 2002
Has anyone here done this? I'm wondering what the speeds of modern flash drives is like compared to hard drives. The overall read speeds I have read about don't sound too impressive but I gather the access time is much quicker than a mechanical HDD? I was wondering whether it would be worthwhile installing Windows on such a drive, or failing that just some applications for faster loading.
It was probably a conventional mechanical hard drive I expect :)

I read about Seagate (I think) making 36 gig flash 'hard' drives but I don't know how fast they are. It sounds like potentially the way of the future as far as speed, low noise and power consumption are concerned though.
Ice On Fire said:
That's a whole different thing. An external hard drive would be a lot faster then a flash drive. Mainly because a hard drive spins and a flash drive doesn't. But, speeds might be nearly the game I think...
Mechanical hard drives aren't faster because they spin, or they'd be faster than RAM ;)
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