Insurance? Comp vs TPFT in this day and age.

18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Is there really any point in Comp insurance for bikes these days? I mean, with prices so high for making a claim and excesses at the £500+ level the only time you're going to claim is if you totally bin your bike in a big way. A stand fall or a lowside will be cheaper to fix yourself than make a claim.
TPFT for my Tuono is £80 per year, Comp is £260. Not a huge amount of money but still.

Do you bother with comp?
I do, but that's mostly because everything on my bike costs about a billion pounds to fix. Think I pay about £450 vs about £200 TPFT.
Do you bother with comp?

Nah, stopped getting comp maybe 5 years ago for precisely the reasons you highlighted, that being said, i suppose if you have a sportbike thats bathed in lots of nice expensive body work, then comp might be worth it.

But for me personally not worth it, i managed to save just over £200 making the switch ( £360 -> £146 ), if i had a garage & didn't have to park out front, i would've saved even more.
I'm seriously considering going TPFT for the Tuono. I've got crash bungs which work really well on the Tuono so a stand fall is only going to result in a few scuffs. I don't have any bodywork to destroy.

I'm just paranoid that the minute I make the switch is the minute I overcook a corner and end up in a ditch.
Depends how much the bike is worth really doesn't it. If you have just got a new bike and end up binning it badly all by yourself, then you're pretty screwed without full comp.

Not sure I could ride without fully comp.. (unless it was a crap old bike). I would always have the thought in the back of my head 'go easy... you're screwed if you bin it here'
IMO Comp makes sense for anything that has a velue over £2k. I'd probably even say £3k now. If I'd not had comp on my S4, I'd still be waiting for the write off value (came off on diesel - ongoing liability issue).
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its still gonna cost you if you claim,your fault or not

if your a dab hand at repairs then tpft is the way to go,esp with second hand parts off fleabay

id only go fully comp if it was a newish machine
Well, it's a 2008 model and valued at about £5.5k
The only things I wouldn't be able to fix myself with bits from ebay are wheels (OZ are stupidly expensive), and Frame (obviously).
Ohlins front ends are readily available for £800 ish. Bodywork is the same across the range so there's plenty available. Some of the carbon bits can be a bit hard to source but other than that, there isn't much else to it.

The way I'm thinking is that I'd have to have a pretty serious off that was completely my own fault in order for me to make a claim.
There's always the risk of being hit by an uninsured driver though......
2006 plate CBR600RR, probably worth 3.5k now, bought it for 5k 2 years ago. Never had fully comp, figured if i'm going to bin it, it'll be a massive epic death and doom crash, or a low speed tumble.

Fully comp is something silly like £600+, I pay £228 for TPFT.
I go TPFT on my CBR600 but that's only worth around £1800 notes and weighed up against excess and increase in premiums if I claim, I'd just right it off myself, simples.
Got a 2 year old Street Triple R, at a guess worth about 5k?, fully comp with a £300 excess is gonna cost me £183 (including an optional £20 for legal cover) for renewal next month, not sure how much TPFT would cost but I don't think it'd be worth it :p

If it was a cheaper bike/bigger difference then I'd consider it though, ran with TPO cover for a fair while with older/cheaper bikes cause it was so much cheaper :)
Got a 2 year old Street Triple R, at a guess worth about 5k?, fully comp with a £300 excess is gonna cost me £183 (including an optional £20 for legal cover) for renewal next month, not sure how much TPFT would cost but I don't think it'd be worth it :p

If it was a cheaper bike/bigger difference then I'd consider it though, ran with TPO cover for a fair while with older/cheaper bikes cause it was so much cheaper :)

how long have you been riding? I'm just coming up to 1 year experience + 1year NCB going to be dropping my commute and putting her in a garage and i'm hoping to have insurance go to the £500 mark comp, down from £1300.
how long have you been riding? I'm just coming up to 1 year experience + 1year NCB going to be dropping my commute and putting her in a garage and i'm hoping to have insurance go to the £500 mark comp, down from £1300.

A while, did my CBT in late 2005, in early 2007 (after recovering from a broken leg in a crash :p) I did my full licence, so think the renewal comes a couple of days after I've had a full licence for 6 years. Didn't have a bike for all that so I'm either on 4 or 5 years NCB now, can't remember off the top of my head, enough for it to be cheap anyway, very nice after last years was ~£400 due to my ban still being on it, just, so less than half the price this year \o/
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