Insurance for 19 y/o female with open claim...

18 Oct 2002
Right this is more for my missus... basically her insurance has ended with Elephant. She was in a bump in October, basically a silly woman stopped just over a blind corner on a country lane (60mph road) to let some other car cross over from the opposite side into a small country road... My missus came around the corner, saw this car with brake lights on so braked, but then realised this woman had infact actually stopped to let some other car cross her path on a 60mph road.... and basically stood on the brakes and ended up hitting this Renault Meganes back end at about 5mph causing a cracked bumper to the Megane (only an old R reg) and my missus bonnet crumpled. 150 quid later, missus car (Citroen Xsara 1.6 SX, V reg) was fixed. But the other woman obviously put in a claim with 600 quid for repairs and a claim for whiplash around the 5k mark...

So, this claim is still open. My missus now being 19, with an open claim, is finding it difficult to find insurance under 1k for tpft. If no accident happened, she would have been going with Quinn Direct for 460 TPFT. Because of the claim they want 1200... same most places really, the cheapest quote being 800 from Diamond.

However, Diamond is part of the same group as Elephant and they're positively useless come claim time and any problems, and dont keep you informed.

Does anyone know some cheap insurance companies who might do my missus a fair deal who AREN'T part of the same group as Elephant? She's tried a fair few so I'll get her come on here to list who she's been quoted by.

Cheers all :)
Best quote my other half had was with Admiral, same group as Elephant/Diamond :o

Other than that, Direct Line was the closest but only as they have other policies with them she got a discount.
Tesco were horrendous for me after my claim - just goes to show how quotes can be very different! :)

I'd look at Direct Line and Churchill - these have both been very competitive. The only person I've ever had to claim off is Endsleigh - great quote but took about 8 weeks for the payout to come through. I did fight their valuation though which probably delayed it by a fair bit!
thanks guys for your replies :)

as stormster said, i want to keep away from the admiral group as I found found elephant to be a load of rubbish plus they have the clause in their insurance that if you write your car off you have your car insurance cancelled there and then and they keep your car etc.

I am desperately chasing up the claim but my claim handler is taking 2/3 weeks to look at the incoming documents from the other party.

thank you though for your replies

Cheers guys I'll get her to do some quotes with those mentioned :)

8 weeks sounds quick mate, this has been ongoing for 6 months nearly... nice to know Elephant are on the ball. Every time something happens they never inform my missus despite her telling them every time she has to call them to keep her up to date, but alas... they promise they will but never do. Apparently they recieved a medical letter 2 weeks ago from the other party to do with her supposed whiplash injuries... but of course no one from Elephant has looked at it yet.

This is why she wants to avoid that group of companies lol :)
That's really bad! Endsleigh did keep me informed too!

I just thought it took a while as when I wrote my Mum's car off after about 6 months of driving she got the payout in a few weeks (think she was with the AA but not sure)
FYI, Direct Line took just over a week to look at / Value my car then pay out an amount after i had disputed the initial value, great service :)
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