Insurance for trip. Any tips?

30 Sep 2008
Going to Croatia in a week on a holiday and was thinking I need to get insurance, up until now I've only ever travelled around the UK and Germany when visiting in-laws. I'll be taking 10k worth, so I'll be gutted if it gets nicked by some scrout, though will mitigate as best I can by taking gear on plane as hand luggage and have Sun-Sniper strap when out with body+lens.

I have zero experience with camera insurance or if folks use some other facility so wondered what you all use and any tips to avoid common issues would be greatly appreciated.
Interesting, I'll call them, quote was £25 for amateur bracket, no questions about specific equipment (eg individual items over £2k). I need to be sure as some others had limits on handouts per item (£1500 on another company), which was more geared towars Joe Blogs.
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