Insurance group disputes BBC claim that loss of control is main factor in accidents amongst motorcyclists.......reckon our insurance will come down now then? I won't hold my breath...
Why would our insurance be coming down?
I didnt say it would....simply implied that if this insurance company reckons that 81% of accidents weren't our faults alone, then the other road users potentially causing these accidents should pay the premium instead of us.
(how many young drivers do Groupama have? etc.).
Hasn't anyone else noticed the flaw in this? Generally, those who phone up and claim on insurance would need to be alive..? The BBC is claiming that its the cause of most deaths, not the most accidents. If I drove my bike into a tree and pegged it, I doubt my wife would think to claim on the insurance for the value of the bike. And with that doubt we know there are less claims than deaths, rendering the claims data irrelevant.
Insurance policies will normally be canceled after the death of the policyholder (by whoever is handling the deceased's estate) which will no doubt be recorded within their stats. If the accident involved other vehicles or people and it was caused by the biker then there will be third party claim.
Just because 81% of accidents included another vehicle doesn't mean it was the other vehicle's driver's fault...
Is suspect a big cause of motorcycle accidents involve the sheer speed at which the bike is travelling, coupled with the small size and therefore visibility of the motorbike.
That assumes that:
a. They haven't paid up in full
b. Groupamas research included anything other than claims (Which they
Sure. If they are trying to charge a dead guy monthly payments for insurance, then the estate will call in to cancel it. However, if the rider paid annually, there would be no monthly payments to chase, so no reason for the estate to inform them of the death.
Would the police actually get involved with the insurance company? They might check they were insured, but I don't see any reason for them to get in contact in a single vehicle crash.But the Police would be in contact with the insurance firm. They'd be informed that the vehicle was in an accident, and would be passed all of the details. So they'd know all about it.