Insurance Help

28 Apr 2003
I just recently passed my test, i am 19 and i bought a black Fiat Punto 1.2 Mia today so i've been looking for insurance so i can pick it up on Friday and drive it home. All the quotes i am getting are around 2k to 2.5k for a year fully comp. Is this right? The guy told me it would be around 800 to 1.3k :/

What am i doing wrong?
Nah im getting very very similar quotes to you (identical car, test drive and hopefully buy tomorrow evening) and after a lot of shopping around the lowest I could get it for was with tescos.

My best quote so far is £1833, it was something like 2.5k but thats with 20% off for doing pass plus.

Out of intrest, have you test driven the car? what do you think of it?


Edit: Probably should have mentioned: 17 year old male living in liverpool, passed about 4 weeks ago.
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It's a bit of a joke, 2k is 2 thirds of what i paid for the bloomin car lol :/

Nazbit said:
Out of intrest, have you test driven the car? what do you think of it?


Yeah i was driving it today, liked it better than the clio's, Ka's and polo's i tried so i bought it.
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Paid £1200 @ 19 with no NCB to insure a 2.0 16v Mondeo. You can do better unless you live in Manchester or something.

Try Admiral, add your parents as named drivers.
Which companies have you tried so far?

How much is the car worth? Is Fully comp really necessary?

Generally companies like Tesco, CIS, Elephant do well for younger drivers.

Have you thought about trying adding one or both parents on as a named driver?
do not pay that... robbery!!! shop around and shop around more and then a bit more... it paid out for me... 17, 0ncb on a 1.25 16v fez was 980 TPFT, and bout 1200 FC...

try virgin, barclays, quin direct or endsleigh... i went with barclays

just keep quoting...

edit: forgot something... most of the quotes were like yours 2k-2.5k for fully comp, sometimes even for TPFT!!!!
-AnthraX- said:
£1071 cheers boys!

That sounds more like it. Although, check all the small print the quote you get online isn't always a full quote as they don't initially ask you questions like annual mileage etc.
-AnthraX- said:
i bought a black Fiat Punto 1.2 Mia

What am i doing wrong?

you just answered yourself.....driving a Punto. Sell it as soon as possible before it turns on you :( I have 1st hand experience!

PS: try elephant, all the cheapest quotes for me are off them. £630 fully comp 2 years NCB 23 years old on a Clio 172. sorted.
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