insurance licence question

19 Aug 2004
So I passed my bike test a month ago and I'm shopping around looking at bikes and getting quotes for them, but ive just got a quick question about where they ask about how long ive held my licence for. Ive been driving a car since 98 so ive held a licence for 19yrs so do I put that or does it mean bike entitlement? so less than 1 year? there not really worded straight forwardly as it just tends to say "licence"

Shop around and get some quotes, but DO also phone up and talk to a human.
I had only had a car licence for a short while and was getting stung with all manner of New Driver rubbish, quotes of several thousand pounds... I phoned up and talked to the girl about this, pointing out that I've been riding stupidly fast motorcycles since many and many a year ago, so am definitely NOT a new road user... It also answered their question of how I could have a non-fault claim in my history 3 years before I passed the car test.
You won't get your NCB tranferred over*, but they did take my experience into account and gave me a quote with pretty low 3 digits instead of 4!

*Some places do offer a ouiji kind of cross-referenced NCB split discount thing, and/or factor the lot in if you transfer your other vehicle(s) policy to them.
Look on the bright side though, even though you had a motorcycle license less than a year. You've 12 points to use, instead of the 6 you normally get within the first 2 years. :D
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