Insurance - Low total loss payout (I think)...

28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
Hi chaps,

My E39 BMW 530i Sport has been written off. The insurance company initially offered me £2,750 on Wednesday. I told the guy on the phone to find me a car that matched the spec of my car for that amount. We then searched AT together, and he found a one owner car pretty much the same miles as mine for £2,850. We then found another up at £3.4K odd. I was aiming for £3.5K, the 'engineer' suggested that they could probably go to £3K dead (which I wasn't happy with). He told me he'd speak to his manager.

My car was a Sport auto with sunroof, 18" M Parallels, one previous owner to me, 114K miles, FSH, all the usual gubbins apart from nav, recent money spent on the cooling system, recent ABS module replacement etc, so quite a good example.

I then went about finding as many similarly specced cars as I could, all with similar mileage and ended up with 13 what I would call similar enough to count towards my case. Many of these cars had nav, none have the sunroof, and not all of them had the 18" M Parallels. The average mileage came out at 118K, average value at £3.5K, and the average age at 6 months older than my car. I created a spreadsheet with all this info and links to all the cars, and emailed it to the 'engineer'. Spreadsheet screenshot below:


I received a call today, and was told that they won't budge on their offer of £3K. I was not particularly happy TBH, but accepted. I did argue with the guy that whilst many of the cars had nav, none had the sunroof and not all had the 18" Parallels. He used the excuse that sunroofs can't be a popular option, and that they're unreliable and leak so are undesirable. I went back at him with the argument that 10 year old nav is going to be a load of crap anyway (by today's standards at least), but he wouldn't budge.

Now I think I have done the wrong thing and given up too easily. The whole thing seems to be hinged on one AT advert for the one owner car I previously mentioned, which seems to be the exception rather than the rule for value.

Should I have given up so easily?
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How much did you pay for your car ? As you didn't have it for long can you not ask them to match the price you paid ?

£3K. Trying to claw back my excess by going higher by proving the market value to be higher (which it is).

Probably gave up too early. The argument about the sunroof was utter crap.

That's what I thought too (on both counts). I am tempted to go back at them once they send the cheque/official offer, but I'm not sure I want this to become much more protracted.
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I have just spoken with my insurer who said that as I am unhappy with the payout, the next step would be for one of their engineers (not UK Assistance) to assess the cars value via a pre-accident value dispute. My insurer said that as the car has already been valued by an engineer then referred to a manager that the amount is unlikely to increase. If it does not increase, then the next step is the financial ombudsman.

Not sure this is worth the hassle...
The car has an uneconomical salvage value and damage too extensive to bother repairing.
Uneconomical for your insurance company to do. But that's probably based on paying only upto 60% *Max* car value and repairing at very inflated costs.

On a car like this smashed headlights, bumper, grill and badge would probably mean total loss repairing at insurance rates, but £100 in a breakers yard and £150 in a bodyshop for you.

There's serious rear damage too, the boot floor is mangled for a start.
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