
5 Nov 2010
Bennetts any good? Anyone had or heard horror stories?
I can get their "Additions" insurance which covers my gear and comes with breakdown cover for a good price via compare the meerkat.
No idea.

I've used motorcycle direct this year (£350 no no claims due to them expiring, 37, brand new bike, fully comp)
good but you pay stupid fee's if you cancel or decide to switch bikes mid policy

currently £89 tpft,breakdown cover,protected no claims

been with them good few years,been with mce before that and claimed through them just fine,so its a tossup of which is cheaper
its something like £25 or £35 each time,they do a multibike policy aswell,but I ended up insuring mine on separate ones as it worked out cheaper

I don't think mce have all those fees,i don't remember any last time I was with them
I have been with hastings direct the past 2 years
was the cheapest I could find for me

That's who I'm with currently, renewal came through ridiculous (as they do) and when I compared others, they're not as cheap this time round.
Might ring them and see if they can match Bennetts.
Rossi~ said:

Originally Posted by ShakenNstirred

I have been with hastings direct the past 2 years
was the cheapest I could find for me

That's who I'm with currently, renewal came through ridiculous (as they do) and when I compared others, they're not as cheap this time round.
Might ring them and see if they can match Bennetts.

Yeah my 2nd year quote was up by about £30, but when I went on MCN Compare it was still the same as last year.
I rang them and they price matched the old price lol, so yeah give them a call

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I'm with Bennetts, they seem good as they aren't bothered about a lot of things which other companies class as mods (tail tidy, indicators, rear seat cowl, levers etc). As said above though, they do sting you for admin charges if you need to change anything mid term so be aware of that.
Well checking my Hastings policy, it's £25 for policy changes and £20 for change of reg anyway.
It works out cheaper to go to Bennetts regardless of the charges.

Has anyone had to claim recently? If so who with and how did it go?
have you tried mce ? dunno if they have fees

my claim went smooth with them,got all damage/loss of earnings taken care of,and that was a hit and run non insured driver

havnt claimed through bennetts but they seem ok
MCE want way more for the insurance alone.

Looks like its Bennetts. Amended the quote on their site as the comparison site didn't answer all the questions, turns out it's even cheaper even with exhaust mod declared.
I had a nightmare the one and only time I used bennetts. I insured my bike with my brother as a named driver, docs arrived with my brother as the insurer and me as the named driver. Called them up and explained the problem, they told me they would have to cancel the policy and I would need to start again and that it would be a £20 cancellation charge but as a gesture of goodwill they would send me a cheque to cover the £20. So I did as they said and a cheque arrived written out to my brother ! Never again.
I had a nightmare the one and only time I used bennetts. I insured my bike with my brother as a named driver, docs arrived with my brother as the insurer and me as the named driver. Called them up and explained the problem, they told me they would have to cancel the policy and I would need to start again and that it would be a £20 cancellation charge but as a gesture of goodwill they would send me a cheque to cover the £20. So I did as they said and a cheque arrived written out to my brother ! Never again.

So it's in thier system wrong and it got refunded to the person the computer said was the policy They said they would refund it and they did. If thats the worst you've had from insurance companies, you sir, are doing well!
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