
22 Jun 2012
So although my camera equipment possibly only just comes to 1k in total.

DSLR D5300 (It is grey not sure they would be covered) / NIKKOR 35mm / and soon NIKKOR 55-300mm
And my handheld Olympus ZX-2

No doubt as my interest grows more and more, extra Lens will be added etc.

Is getting covered worth it, I do not have home insurance my self so that isn't a option. What are the options others do?

Or do i just not worry and if i ever drop or something gets stolen take the hit and be sad for a few months :D

The main worry is taking my camera abroad etc.
Sweet cheers all for responses, Will contact a few just to guide prices for my gear and decide from there.

I am fairly careful with my gear its just knowing if anything did happen i can shunt it off.

Another thing is has anyone actually made a claim with there's ? What do you have to provide ? I assume you can't just go "I got robbed give me my money?"
Yeh i wasn't planning on committing fraud, just wondering what the procedure was if anything got stolen etc.

Cheers for info guys :)
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