Insure a moped for the summer?

15 Jan 2005
Hello bikers,

I'm in Majorca at the moment and I've been roaming around on a Yamaha Vision 125 which is my first experience of biking on the road and I love driving the thing.

My sister has a 50cc moped in the garage (huge mistake, starting it was sometimes too much work for her), it doesn't start at the moment but I was thinking of getting it fixed, doing a cbt and insuring it just for pootling around in the summer months before selling it.

Do any bike insurers do short term cover? I'm thinking June till late September. Cheers :)
Ok that sounds alright, I'll have to have a look when I get home, then its just fixing the Damn thing!

Also, I think it might be unrestricted as I'm sure she mentioned it goes up to 50 once. As I have a full car license is this fine or should it be stuck down to 30?
Erm, so there are 2 different cbts? I'm 22 with a license for almost 4 years, from reading the regs I took them to mean that anything up to a 125 is fine.

Do you mean that a 50cc bike doing over 30 is always illegal?
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