Intel imac 20" (early 2006)

26 Nov 2004
Carshalton, Surrey
I just got one of these from a friend for £100, it has a fault where it keeps switching it self off, and then won't turn back on for anything upto 2 hours.

Any ideas what might be causing this, I would suspect it was power related?

Also any one know a decent website for mac spares.
It varies it can stay on for several hours or goes of within 20 mins, and this is from being first started.

An example is yesterday i had it running for 3 hours playing an episode of top gear on repeat no problems, switched it off came back 10 mins later it wouldn't switch on.

The day before turned in first thing in the morning, just left it sat at login screen and it turned it self off after 20 mins and I had to wait an hour before it would come back on.

If I reset the SMC it comes back quicker but then i have the problem of the fans stuck running at full tilt so have to do the smc reset again and some times it works other times I have to wait ages again before it will turn back on.
Yes I have been doing a lot of reading about and it all points to the power supply being faulty.

I have found a site that sells mac spares and have ordered a new one, should arrive today and will fit it over the weekend. hopefully that will fix the issue.
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