intel/nvidia system for £800ish?

28 Mar 2014
Hi, first post here. I was just about to order a pre built system when I thought, come on it's about time I stop being such a wuss and try building something from scratch. I don't know too much about it but I'm pretty sure I can manage.

I do 3d animation so I need a decent cuda compatible card, which is only nvidia as far as I'm aware and I'd prefer an intel cpu.
I already have an ssd and some spare ram so 4gb should be fine. I don't need an optical drive either.
For the case I'd prefer something as plain as possible, no leds or anything to look a bit more professional when I'm in work, and if it's not going to add too much to the cost, I'd like to have the option of adding a second graphics card later when i've got more money.
I have about £7-800 although i could maybe go a bit more for a good reason.

One question though, I'm not confident enough to try overclocking it myself, am i right that the only way to get that already set up is to buy one of the bundles? would I be better off doing that perhaps?

Welcome neutrons.

Do you know the exact name/model of the RAM you have (and how much)? Motherboard runs memory better in Dual Channel (identical pairs).

And by adding a second video card, do you mean in SLI or not? Just because the new GTX 750's can't be SLI'd.
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I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what SLI means, I mean I get that it's a way of linking two gpus, but like, what would be the alternative? To be completely honest I don't really know if it's a stupid thing to be asking for anyway, I just thought the idea of having more than one graphics card sounded pretty nifty :/

as for the ram, I'll have to check that when i get home.
Are you positive you need a CUDA compatible card? A lot of people seemingly assume you need it just because they've heard others say it, when really comparitively little 3D animation software even uses CUDA.
well at the moment there are a couple of c4d plugins i use which rely on it (turbulencefd mostly), and I'm about to start learning nuke as well.
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