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Intel rma timescale

6 Nov 2005
Hello, I've started the rma process for a dead cpu with intel yesterday, they have said they will review and get back to me with the next steps.

I'm just wondering if anyone here has done this and roughly how long did the whole thing take?

Thank you
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Hello, thought I would do an update and breakdown of my experience for anyone interested.

Was a core i5 11400f that I'd had for a little over a year, last week I switched on the pc got a cpu error on the motherboard. After running through standard troubleshooting I narrowed it down to cpu or motherboard. I tried a different cpu and confirmed motherboard was working fine.

Sunday afternoon I went onto the intel support website and started the process, they have a tool that lets you check eligibility, then just have to fill out a form with the problems you've had, what troubleshooting you've done and some details of you motherboard and ram.

Most relevant things for me was that the cpu had been working fine for over a year and in troubleshooting I had swapped out the cpu and confirmed that the rest of the parts worked fine.

The automated system responded saying that someone would look at my case and respond over the next few days.

Monday morning they emailed me back asking a couple follow up questions. Specifically they wanted photos of the cpu front and back and to confirm my postal address and phone number.

Monday afternoon they said they would start the rma process and I'd get an automated email with the details. Hour or so later got a message with the DHL pick up details saying they would pick up on Wednesday. Also got a phone call in the early evening from DHL just confirming that the pick up time would be fine.

Wednesday they picked up.

Thursday morning delivered to intel in NL

Thursday evening got en email saying they would send me a new cpu. This morning got an email from DHL saying it would be delivered today.

Its just been delivered, looks brand new and sealed.

So about 5 days start to finish.

They were obviously very quick. Email communication was decent but the tracking on thr support website was not the most helpful just saying "in-progress" the whole time.

I felt like it was all made easier by virtue of the fact that I was able to fill in all the relevant details right at the start. It wanted to know what bios version the motherboard had, as an example, and details of the troubleshooting steps I took. Which I suspect less tech savvy people might struggle more with. So I can't really judge how well it would have gone if I didn't know what I was doing.

But for me I'm very happy with the whole process, they seem to have it very well organised. Quick and fairly easy.
Very small additional update that has very little to do with intel but has annoyed me none the less. When DHL called to confirm the time for pick up I missed the call, they left a message and I phoned them back on the number provided a few mins later. Waited on hold for a while then confirmed the pick up was OK... just had my phone bill... 12 pounds that call cost me.

So if you find yourself in a similar position don't ring them back on the number they give and instead Google their 03 starting customer service number. I can't imagine the hold time will be any different.
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