Intel Server Case

23 Sep 2005
I bought a Intel KHD2 Base 300 Server Case (was going for £20 a while back at an online place).

It seems the Front Panel connector looks like an IDE floppy cable.... how the heck do I connect that to an ATX motherboard? Or don't I? Can I buy a converter or rewire it somehow??
Unfortunatly you cant - I bought the 5200SC or somthing like that off ebay, they only plug into some E-ATX motherboards (i cant remember the name) but I pulled it out and modded my own power button into it etc. but soon got sick of it and chucked the thing.
Oh well - thanks for the reply. Could I buy just a power button? Or any idea how I could rewire the existing one? I have a spare ATX Case somewhere, maybe I can cannibalise that for the front panel stuff!
I pulled all of the PCB out and unscrewed it, then took the power button out of an existing case along with the LED's

I think I superglued the power button onto a piece of metal, like a little shelf and then superglued the shelf so basically the power button that was in there already - touched the one I glued in, the LED's all got glued in too but like I said I got sick of the thing, basically it was too big and the original that arrived was all smashed up, so they sent another with a different PSU and it just goes on and on.
I remember these cases, was thinking of getting one for a modding project :)

I used to build servers for a company who used original intel mobo's etc. They are a little bit noisy tho. Back then all the intel mobo's had the same front panel layout, which is why they are all in one connector.

I think it would be amazing for a watercooling setup tho, they seemed to be so deep.

If you get the pinouts of the mobo's that it was made for you could mod the connector easy enough tho, surely? :confused:

If I remember correctly they were around the time of the i845/i865 chipsets :confused: so if you get the manual for one of the intel mobo's of that time the pinouts should be the same.
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I tried that until I was blue in the face :p connected the cable up to different pins and all I could get was an error light on which was blue. So I dont know either :confused:
I think I'll go down the route of putting a standard front panel onto the case.... think that might be the easiest option...

I did consider watercooling too - the case is huge inside - plenty of room for expansion :)
Have you tried Intel's site for a pin out in a manual?

If not, mounting your own switch in the case should be easy. Either desolder the one that is there and solder on your old case wires. Or just rig a switch mounting with matchsticks and chunks of cereal box. I have used washed out milk bottles before as the plastic is easy to cut into strong shapes if you use the base corners. :D No one sees what horrors are hidden behind the front panel so you can get away with anything sturdy. :cool:
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