Intel SR1200 server, Help!!!

it came to me beeping with second memory stick in wrong slot, so not sure if it was working or not ,
it was the server on this market forum for about 20 ,, bt he cudnt get it on sed it was memory and let me have it for nothing

well i took a 512 out .. just to make it beep ..... as it has to have 2 mem stick to run and it did beep so. .i put it bk in ....turned on . and no beeps just the error leds and no signal to the tft/mon

i noticed u can control them by the serial Ethernet connector .... is it possible that was used that way and the gpu was disabled .. cos it says something like that in manual ?? and if so how wud i reset it ? as i don't have a controller ?? i have cleared bios twice already
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