
17 Oct 2011
What interconnects are you guys using between your Source and Amp?

Additionally, in terms of optical links, are they much of a muchness or is there an improvement from buying more expensive ones?

I didn't say you shouldn't listen to it, I said you could do it and I believe that to be true.

For example, my first system: Marantz PM44SE, Marantz CD63 and Mission 760iSE - all What Hifi Recommended products the year I bought them.
Jesus wept, they are saying a PTFE plug surround improves the sound now? Putting PTFE around the shield on the plug makes no difference at all. Don't get me wrong I like my hifi, but I'm an RF and microwave engineer and £1900 for an interconnect is insane. You can certainly buy cables for that price for sure in the RF and microwave world, a 50ohm pair of phase stable Gore test cables for a network analyser would cost about that much but the cables and connectors are rated 18GHz and up. At audio frequencies it is irrelevant.

I have just ordered some Chord C-Line interconnects. They won the 2015 What HIFI award - £45.
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