Interesting article on the new DollHouse season (spoilers)

19 May 2005

Just found this and thought it might be interesting to any DolHouse fans.

I wasn't a massive fan of the first season due to it being to standalone but the second season will apparently be more "arc-y". I think the show has a lot of potential to go far if they get it right.

Not to mention the lovely Summer Glau will be making an appearance as a recurring character :D. Her role sounds very interesting and it'll be great to see her play a different role to the ones she usually plays.

And Glau's part is "eccentric" and totally different from anything you've seen before. The writers worked extra hard to make her character "pop" because they knew what Glau was capable of, said Whedon. And yes, this new Dollhouse will be much cooler than "our" Dollhouse, thanks to Wise and Glau.
Am I the only one that finds this ironic?

The choice was Between Terminator and Dollhouse to be cancelled. :p

I was gutted that TSCC was canned and was very surprised that DH got renewed but it wasn't really a one or the other situation. DollHouse is far cheaper to produce and had very slightly better ratings. Don't get me wrong, i would rather have TSCC back and I'm still doing all i can to help with getting a direct to DVD movie made.

The best part about TSCC IMO was Cameron played by Summer. She was the main reason i watched and when she had like 2 lines per show in the later episodes the show went downhill for me. Thats why I'm looking forward to seeing her in a show she actually has some lines.

Many people believe Josh Friedman underused Summer in the later episodes as he didn't like the fact she was the most popular character when he wanted it to be all about Sarah Conner. I think this was the downfall of the show tbh, the first episode back after the hiatus was the most boring episode of the whole series and it should have been the best to bring in new viewers.

Ive taken a big interest in all the actors from Firefly and tend to watch any show they're in. With Dollhouse having 2 of the actors from firefly and 2 actors from BSG (another fav show) theres no way I'm going to boycott the show like some other TSCC fans.
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