I thought I'd start a thread on cheap interesting motherboards...
I just came across this Mini ITX board with a 600MHz processor, I'm not sure weather it be compatible with Windows 9x builds in the way of driver support but looks interesting... the only down side is that it doesn't have an AGP slot, but its no big deal. There is no floppy connector either, if the drivers support Windows 95 then it could be half decent but I think it having no floppy connector is a deal breaker.
What do you think?
I just came across this Mini ITX board with a 600MHz processor, I'm not sure weather it be compatible with Windows 9x builds in the way of driver support but looks interesting... the only down side is that it doesn't have an AGP slot, but its no big deal. There is no floppy connector either, if the drivers support Windows 95 then it could be half decent but I think it having no floppy connector is a deal breaker.
What do you think?