Interesting thought on MMO games

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Well i was extremely bored tonight so browsed the web aimlessly again, when i started looking round my room at my games, and saw Asherons Call 2.

"hmmmmmm havent heard anything about that in a while, think i'll see how its getting on", see i played this game for ages, it was fantastic, i quit eventually due to A-Levels making it impossible to play, which was a great shame as it really was an awesomly done MMORPG.

So i was extremely saddened when i saw that it had closed down. December 23rd 2005 was the shut down date for european servers. I dunno why i was saddened i didnt play it anymore but hey, i put a lot of time into when i did play it so it was a shame to see a good game go down the pan.

So it led me on to think, if i did carry on playing that game, putting hours and hours into gettin my character to max level, getting all the best gear etc etc, then it closed, i'd be extremely annoyed. Nothing i could do about it obviously, but it would be a right kick in the teeth.

I know the game least likely to close down due to failure/lack of funds would be World of Warcraft, but what about the others that you lot play? Why is it we put so much effort into characters that at the end of the day could just be deleted just like that when the game closes down. And all those days and days of grinding counted for nothing?

How would you feel if it happened to you? What motivates you to put so much time into a character that could at any time be wiped because the games closing?

I know its a bit of a random topic, but i figured it could make for an interesting discussion
In a way that was why I quit Everquest 1 during my A Levels. I realised that one day it wouldn't exist so it seemed a bit pointless and I'd rather do something that exists a bit more if that makes sense.

Then again I still play a few MMORPGs from time to time and really, whatever game I play, it doesn't exist and all it will be is a memory.

Suppose it just comes down to it's a fun way to pass the time.
one reason im about to give up warcraft ... its not real, when it comes down to it it is a waste of my time. Part of me wants to 'capture them all' as it were and spend many days in MC getting the best gear, but then after that what would i do?........ Nuthin, and this is why im givin up

just gotta get my dreadsteed :D
If peeps want to quit WoW because it's not real then why bother playing any games? None of them are real and none actually leave you with anything once they are finished.

All games are about the experience of playing and having fun. From single player to MMO. Some are about enjoying a story as it unfolds, others are about the interaction with others and working together towards a goal.

I would be dissapointed if WoW stopped tomorrow and losing all my chracters and gear would be annoying but no more than if I lost a save game for something else. If I thought I would be so distraught by the loss I'd probably stop right now.
Well i play Guild Wars at the moment at i don't think that's going to die anytime soon. It's really not been out that long and a new expansion is just around the corner.

But like it's been said... You can say the same about any game. You finish it and that's it. Nothing left to do, can't go any further. But you play for the fun of it.
At the end of the day as long as you had fun while getting the items you wanted for your character does it really matter? When one game closes just accept it then move onto the latest and greatest. :)

The thing that annoys me most about MMO's is when developers decide to "nerf" abilities because a few people complain on the official forums when there's no real need to. It's one of the reasons I got really annoyed with World of Warcraft as they seem to do that with every patch, rather than improve some of the other classes.
I used to play a game called Legend Of Mir3....All of a suddern they said server is being shut down and we all got booted off. Few minutes later they updated website saying investors had pulled out or something so it was shut down. Felt well cheated.

I play wow now and really enjoy it. Once you get into it, its a very good in depth game. Loads to do and thousands and thousands of quests :)
Yeah camalot, i read about that not long ago

I used to play Mir2, then went over to Mir3 when it came out for a bit. But found it just didnt feel the same so stopped shortly after.

I always said they wouldnt last as it was just a group of peeved mir2 players that were sick of the way it was run and decided to start their own company. I was just surprised it ended as suddenly as it did
Steedie said:
Yeah camalot, i read about that not long ago

I used to play Mir2, then went over to Mir3 when it came out for a bit. But found it just didnt feel the same so stopped shortly after.

I always said they wouldnt last as it was just a group of peeved mir2 players that were sick of the way it was run and decided to start their own company. I was just surprised it ended as suddenly as it did

Yea, i was suprised at how it was done. a lot of people had just subscribed for a month and it just felt like they took our money and kicked us out lol

We found out a lot of what had been happening in the game just before all this happend. Things like GM's having secret in-game characters and spawning items for themselfs, logging onto others peoples characters to get items off, using their gm characters to clear dungeons for their guilds etc lol

Hardly suprising, they did ruin mir2 as well. Do you still play that? Hear its got better. I did play it for 3 days after mir3 went down but it just doesnt apeal anymore :(
Ren.182 said:
Well i play Guild Wars at the moment at i don't think that's going to die anytime soon. It's really not been out that long and a new expansion is just around the corner.

But like it's been said... You can say the same about any game. You finish it and that's it. Nothing left to do, can't go any further. But you play for the fun of it.

Guild Wars CAN'T die. The only reason MMO's die is that the developers either A) Feel that the game isn't making any money due to a lack of active subscribers and B)Is taking up too much server space/money/time. Guild Wars is probably lighter on load to them than their web site is and this is why it will never die.
Quite a fan of a certain MMORPG. My first character, lvl131, was lost due to 1 hosting company shutting down last August-ish. My second character, lvl93, was lost due to the other company shutting down in January 2006. My current character, lvl151, will be lost on Friday when the company shuts down (max level is/was 250, so if anyone got that how gutted would they be).

How's that for luck, eh? :rolleyes:

Takes a few months to get above 100.

Oh well! *is done with that game now* ;)


Camalot said:
I used to play a game called Legend Of Mir3....All of a suddern they said server is being shut down and we all got booted off. Few minutes later they updated website saying investors had pulled out or something so it was shut down. Felt well cheated.

Hehe. Company #2 (with my level 93 character) was the company who hosted Mir3 Europe ;) GR? :) As said, they had to close down their 2 game servers due to lack of funding.
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Asheron's Call 2 was closed down pretty much because no-one was playing it. Most of the user base went back to Asheron's Call after an initial honeymoon period. Although AC2 looked very pretty it had been dumbed down in comparison to AC and basically just wasnt as good a game. AC is still going strong.
Camalot said:
Do you still play that? Hear its got better. I did play it for 3 days after mir3 went down but it just doesnt apeal anymore :(

I went back for a bit back in january, they've added a massive amount of content since i left, but like you said it just isnt the same

the thing that made that game was the community, and since a lot of them have left, its just not the same game
melchy said:
Asheron's Call 2 was closed down pretty much because no-one was playing it. Most of the user base went back to Asheron's Call after an initial honeymoon period. Although AC2 looked very pretty it had been dumbed down in comparison to AC and basically just wasnt as good a game. AC is still going strong.
thats interesting to read, since a mate in college got me playing it about 4 years ago and it looked poo then lol
Jamie1984 said:
thats interesting to read, since a mate in college got me playing it about 4 years ago and it looked poo then lol

You must be thinking of AC1. AC2 actually looked really well, there just wasn't much game behind it. AC1 on the other hand does indeed look pants, but has a hell of a lot more playability
I played a little of AC2 but i couldnt drag myself away from Ultima Online ! Publish 40 just around the corner...
6 Years + Vet omg :o
saint_jw said:
If peeps want to quit WoW because it's not real then why bother playing any games? None of them are real and none actually leave you with anything once they are finished.

All games are about the experience of playing and having fun. From single player to MMO. Some are about enjoying a story as it unfolds, others are about the interaction with others and working together towards a goal.

I would be dissapointed if WoW stopped tomorrow and losing all my chracters and gear would be annoying but no more than if I lost a save game for something else. If I thought I would be so distraught by the loss I'd probably stop right now.

true enjoyment is the main goal and i did enjoy wow for the many months i played it.. but now ive hit 60... and at this level the game rewards players for time spent in game a lot more than skill ... which is where i have a problem, i dont have time for 40 man mc runs... and ive hit the highest pvp rank i can with the amount of time i play ... so im pretty much gimped and might as well jump on bf2 for an hour instead

cant bring myself to delete my account though :D
i will today
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