Interim upgrades,the cheaper way :)

23 Mar 2006
Basically I am looking to upgrade an old machine,which will become a second machine in about 6 months.I want to learn about building and overclocking.

I have a 400w psu would that be suitable and what memory?
if the motherboard comes back into stock,would this be a good second machine,to learn to overclock on.
I have a agp gfx card,hdd etc

Abit NF7-S v2.0 nForce2 (Socket A) Motherboard (MB-028-AB)
**B Grade** AMD Athlon "Barton" XP3200+ 400FSB (Socket A) CPU - OEM (BG-023-AM)
Zalman CNPS7000B-ALCU Ultra-Quiet CPU Cooler - Retail (HS-008-ZA)

Mr Mag00
hi there, not quite sure what you want to do,

but i would say the above you have listed is a waste of money.
for a little more, you could get something with much much more power, and overclocking potential. for example.

get a opteron144/146 or a 939 3700+(only £30 more than your althon xp3200), there are many decent motherboards for 939 out there, you could even try The ASrock 939dual-SATA2 (ULi M1695) its not the best but will allow you to get some decent overclocks and goes for around £50+. or you could try get one of epox 939 boards which are not too bad.

ram, you try some gail value stuff at about £70 a gig and run a divider to achieve the desired speed you need.

this to me is much better option, for a little more money you get something MUCH better that would last, and you could learn how to overclock on it. its not very difficult and with a little reading and some help from ppl here you can be up and really quickly.
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