Internal job interview. Suit up?

13 Jul 2009
So I've got this internal job interview this week for a new more senior job. It's not management or anything, just quality engineering

My existing job requires trousers, shoes and shirt so is already fairly smart but I'm wondering of the etiquette regarding interviewing with people who I already work with, who in this case have already stated it is only an informal chat, but don't they always say this?

Do I take my suit with me and throw a tie on (no one wears ties at work for H&S reasons) and go in all suited up despite the above or just go in with best work shirt and trousers, polished shoes etc?
I've worked with the tech director for 2 years. I don't report directly but have helped him on a number of projects. The other will be the newly appointed Quality Manager, who would be my direct report.
Update: Suited up.

There were two applicants. Myself and one of the existing shift quality engineers who must have fancied a day role. Not sure if he suited up.

I got offered the role.
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