Internal staff buy and sell board!

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hi all, not really sure how to set this up, but would like to knock up a very simple buy/sell/want board internally for our staff on an internal site.

Are there any package products I can use for this? It doesn't need to be anything OTT just an internal site staff can navigate to, post up something for sale etc with a picture or two and that's it really, maybe the option to make categories.

Does anything like this exist? Also needs to be super easy to set up as i'm a bit of a nerbert with things like this!
I had thought about using forum software but it just seems a bit OTT for what I want it for. Dont even want the ability to be able to sign up, just somewere people can type their name in, contact details, a description and attach a picture.

Is there anything a little easier than installing forum software?
Do you want it so that each staff member must register an account to make a posting? Would it strictly be "I'm selling X for £Y" or do you want some kind of bidding with a listing expiration date?

Hi Sniffy, basically just where a user can write their name, their contact details, description of the item, and attach a pic if they want. No signing up required.
No expiration date.
Thanks for your time on this mate. The ability to log into it etc is not needed. We dont have hundreds of staff for this to cater for so just the ability to post entries up for an item they want to sell will suffice - its not a large scale thing at all.

Having extra control panels and stuff will only complicate matters as their a very IT-phobic set of people as it is!
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If its easier for you just leave it with the users thing in, just wanted to make it as easy as possible and administratively less hassle for me as its not going to be a big and bustling buy and sell board.

I don't even know if anyone is going to use it, and with our work force being a bit IT dumb I wanted it to be as easy as possible to just post something up saying they've got such a thing for sale!

Appreciate you taking the time to do this either way sniffy!
Yeh looks good at the moment! You could include a wanted section if you want.

Any chance you can change it so it doesn't reference 'auctions' as such, just so its 'for sale'.

The ability to accept other files than jpg would be a bonus.
Not too fussed about having more than one photo.

Looks good though mate :) Thanks!
Depends if you want one mate :) If you want it then I'll add it, it's no problem.

Heh I thought this might come up. I couldn't think of a decent noun to describe what it actually is. I admit that "Auction" is kinda confusing as it suggests a expiration date with bids and so on but I thought "sale" was a bit iffy as "Create a sale" and so on doesn't sound right to me. If you're happy with "sale" then I can change that.

No problem :)

It doesn't right now but I could easily add that if it would be helpful. I get the impression that rossi just wants to set it up then leave it though.

I think maybe something like 'List an Item'? might be better than using the word auction?!

I would like to be able to remove things off there that have been on a while and possibly forgotten about!

You can leave off the wanted section!
Yeah that's much better.

I agree that some form of clean-up is required although I think Eulogy's suggestion is the better one. Perhaps I could let the user specify duration and also provide you with a little control panel to manage current items for sale?

Yeh that is an excellent idea! Letting them set up an expiry date is perfect, the control panels a good idea too!
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